Virtual Reality technology has provided an environment in which students can see, and experience a specific event in history, see architecture that no longer exists, and learn about artifacts, music, and culture of a specific time. By simply wearing 3-D glasses and standing in a cube with images projected on the walls, floor, and ceiling a student can almost transcend through time to a different location. Luckily, Purdue has been blessed with the Virtual Reality technology. You are able to see, touch, and hear your surroundings while participating in the Virtual Reality simulation.
Purdue has a visible past simulation in which you can witness events and see places from our history. Virtual Reality could become a very interactive way for students to learn about our past and other parts of the world. This provides a new opportunity for experiencing our history and interacting with people that were living in that time. Of course, it is all simulated but you can still hear conversations of individuals in the simulation.
Check out the article from the Hypergrid Business website featuring Purdue University professors and their experience with virtual reality teaching. A student, Katherine Tanski says that virtual reality allows them “ to have interactive class meetings, and it familiarizes students with software that is being used in professional contexts.” Virtual Reality could easily become a valid and recommended teaching tool for certain subjects in the future. Expanding our horizon with technology in the classroom will enable students and professors to learn more than ever possible, even if it is in a virtual world.
I think it'd be interesting to hear what other generations think about a virtual reality classroom--I bet the older ones would really dislike it, but the younger ones that have grown up with technology that's constantly evolving would probably really benefit from it.
ReplyDeleteYou've done a great job in your postings thinking beyond the actual material you discuss, and reflecting on what it means. I also saw you following lots of other blogs, and I hope these were learning experiences too! Great job with this.