Wednesday, March 3, 2010

How the Media is no longer sitting on the front porch

Back in the day our parents used to play in the front yard, while their parents socialized with the neighbors on the side walk or on the front porch. When is the last time you saw that happen? Well it’s probably been a while because times are changing, life is more fast paced, kids are playing Wii inside, parents are working long hours or prefer to relax and watch Food Network inside rather than socializing with the neighbors. This was exactly what lecture addressed when concerning a main issue related to media and community. The issue I would like to address is that the media is recreating our communities through the media that is available to us today.

Through new social medias we are able to get rid of inequalities of many sorts including race, gender, age, socio economic status, because online you can have your privacy settings to where no one is able to access this information. Media is also improving education, for example when we set up a Wiki in class to help everyone study for the Midterm. Before this class I had no idea what a Wiki was, but thanks to social media we are now able to collaborate our knowledge and ideas to better our education. More people than ever are participating in social media because it does provide a sense of community when you have a hectic schedule and don’t get to see your friends. By all of us using all of these media tools we are helping the e-commerce each time we use a media tool.

So the thought I would like to bring to point is that the media is reshaping what we now know as community. A community now consists of individuals that follow your weblog, students that contribute to your Wiki, people that follow your Tweets. Will we ever return to the front porch scenario? Probably not, but are we just as connected as before in our social media community? Couldn’t my tweet feeds be my front porch?

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